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ROS Phoenix

前言 我们知道,开启roscore会启动rosmaster服务、参数服务器,以及一个rosout节点。rosmaster会跟踪各个发布者和订阅者,并为对应的发布者和订阅者建立点对点通信。这意味着,当roscore宕机时,已经建立的通信通常不会中断,但将不能保证建立新的通信连接或是新的节点注册。


useful git commands git stash :temporarily store the changes git stash apply :apply the stash to the target branch git cherry-pick <commit-hash>...

Docker & Docker Compose notes

prevent a ubuntu container in Docker Compose from stop Running a ubuntu container in background using docker compose ```shell So if you want to keep your ubu...

My GitHub Pages

Preface Here is a record of my GitHub Pages establishment technique based on Jekyll and the minimal-mistakes theme. I decided to make this work years ago whi...